I figure since I am doing a lot of running outside with my dogs lately, I should set a goal and train for something. Besides the junior high track days, I have only done ONE race in my life. The first year they did the SL Marathon I ran the 5K. I have been at the finish line of several marathons cheering on friends and loved ones, very tearful and inspired by the energy and sense of accomplishment as they come across the finish line.
Personally I don't think I will ever have the stamina or endurance to run a full marathon, but I have been encouraged by plenty of people that I could surely do a 1/2 marathon. I just bought this little device to help me with my training, and I am excited to see if I can really do it!
So tonight I signed myself up for the Provo Half Marathon and then if all goes well, I will also be participating in the Moab Other Half Marathon in October. Anyone who would like to join me, please do!