Friday, November 13, 2009

Good News/ Bad News

The good news is I bought this pretty new Subaru to replace my Honda that was stolen...
The bad news is I was in a hurry leaving for work and backed into the side of my garage and crunched the side mirror. That was the not the first thing to go wrong today. Oh well, as I've come to realize a lot lately, it could always be worse.


Janelle said...

Bet you can pack a lot more outdoor & climbing equipment in this one! Looks nice!

Andrea said...

So sorry Brittany. That totally sucks. At least you can find the "humor" (is that the right word?) in all of it.

You inspired me to do my own good news/bad news post.

kim said...

That completely sucks! Days like that can be so frustrating. Your new car looks great! You will have to let me know what you think of it. I am thinking of one of those.

Brittany said...

That is not the actual picture of my car, mine is a lot lighter color, but the car itself is awesome! I guess if I was going to have my car stolen it was a nice to get a little upgrade. I have room for lots of gear and the dogs! Also I love the all-wheel drive, it's high clearance and the way it handles in the snow.